
The Safe Harbor Project is our initiative aimed at families and children to protect them from crime and its consequences. The project’s activities focus on education and support so that everyone knows how to take care of their safety and how to react in dangerous situations. We conduct workshops for parents and children, where we teach how to recognize dangers on the Internet and in the street, and how to build healthy relationships based on mutual respect and trust. As part of the project, we will conduct educational events at more than 36 mobile points, conduct an online awareness campaign, and train service personnel in recognizing the signs of experiencing a crime. Our goal is to create strong, informed local communities where everyone feels safe and knows how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Spot available soon

Our society sometimes resembles a group of travelers trying to find their way through a dense forest without a map or compass. Adults, though full of goodwill and a desire to protect themselves, are not always able to recognize paths through safe areas and those that lead directly to danger. This goes for both the real world and the intricacies of the Internet. Children, inherently curious and open-minded, are even more vulnerable because their ability to recognize risks is limited by their inexperience. They don’t know that danger may lurk behind the next tree or click. Educating and raising awareness is like giving a map and compass to every member of the community. It teaches us how to recognize warning signs and which paths are better to avoid, as well as how to react when we find ourselves in a dangerous situation. This is not only to protect against crime, but also to build mutual concern and readiness to help, both among adults and children. In this way, step by step, we are creating a safer environment for everyone, where every traveler, big or small, knows how to reach their destination safely.

Who are we targeting?

The recipients of our activities are families – especially children, mothers and fathers, forming the basic social cell – the family, i.e. spouses, single people and those in informal relationships (but forming families, e.g. a parent with a child, a woman and a man with a child in common) at risk of crime against the family.

Forms of assistance

  • educational workshops for parents: Anti-crime educational workshops for parents focus on teaching them how to recognize potential threats to their children, both in real and digital spaces. Participants learn how to talk to children about safety, building open and trusting relationships that encourage children to share their concerns and experiences. In addition, the workshop offers practical tools and strategies to help parents proactively protect their families from various forms of crime.
  • educational classes for children and young people: Anti-crime educational classes for children and young people teach them how to navigate safely in the real and virtual world, recognizing potential dangers and avoiding dangerous situations. Through interactive games, discussions and scenarios, young participants learn how to react in risky situations and who to ask for help. The workshops also build awareness about responsible behavior and respect for oneself and others, laying the foundation for a secure future.
  • Training for teachers and service personnel: Legal and psychological training for teachers on preventing crime against and between children is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize and respond to warning signs of violence and crime in the school environment. Teachers learn how to effectively support children who are victims or witnesses of crime, using psychological techniques that help rebuild a sense of security and trust. In addition, the training offers practical knowledge of children’s rights and the responsibilities of educational institutions, allowing teachers to better protect their students and promote a positive, safe environment for all.
  • Outdoor events: anti-crime outdoor events, organized on the occasion of festivals, harvest festivals and other local attractions, will be an interactive educational platform aimed at the general public. Participants will be able to take part in workshops, demonstrations and educational games that teach how to recognize dangers and protect themselves and others from crime. In addition, there will be educational materials available at information booths and the opportunity to speak directly with experts in the fields of security, law and psychology, allowing residents to gain the practical knowledge and skills necessary to build a safe community.
  • Podcasts are audio series that can be listened to via the Internet anytime, anywhere, focusing on a variety of topics, from education to entertainment. They allow listeners to become deeply immersed in the content they are listening to without the need to engage their eyes, making them ideal for listening during other activities, such as driving or running. The project podcasts will focus on educating listeners about various aspects of security, from recognizing online threats to strategies to protect against violence in everyday life. Through interviews with experts, stories from people who have experienced crime, and practical advice, these podcasts aim to raise awareness and skills to help build safer communities.
  • educational videos: Educational videos are videos that contain didactic content designed to teach viewers about topics ranging from science to art. They are accessible to the general public and offer an easy way to learn new knowledge and develop skills in an accessible and often interactive format. Our videos teach viewers how to recognize and respond to potential threats, both in the physical and digital space. They are designed to raise awareness of various forms of crime, offering practical advice and strategies to help increase individual and community security.



Indicator namePlanned level to be reached at the end of 2026
Number of recipients of project activities70035
Number of educational audio video materials1488
Number of hours of training, workshops and educational activities2880
Number of information and education mobile points established36

Project contact

Want to know more – call us 603 641 868 or email: [email protected]


Anti-crime test entry from this category

Everyone deserves a chance

Financed by the Justice Fund, which is administered by the Minister of Justice.
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